Take a break from the madness.
While chaos and cold weather overcome the world around us, perhaps the best way to cope is to momentarily disconnect. And Sally Boy’s debut EP EREZ, which dropped just yesterday, is the perfect antidote for any early onsetting seasonal ailments. What he dubs himself as “pretty boy rock”, is a smooth concoction of guitars, grooves, and sunshine. From the rhythmic R&B swagger of “Sippy Cup” to the dreamy pop glow of the self-titled “Sally Boy”, EREZ beholds a shot of warmth for everyone. On top of that, the whole thing clocks in at just 17 minutes of runtime. Perhaps it was all just a dream.
Words by Andy Gorel
Photos by Eddie Mandell

“What about youth do we yearn so deeply for? “EREZ” represents my journey of falling from the peak of adolescence into the depths of pettiness; it’s my attempt to recapture what’s lost—through drugs, alcohol, and love — only to end up back where I started. With myself. This collection of songs chronicles the years I’ve spent failing to find peace of mind, only to realize that my failures just so happen to accompany joys. It’s an attempt to lure out some of the emotions I tend to bury. But also remind myself that it’s normal to be here. Because it is. Right?”
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